• Dr Cousen’s participation in the Native American Sundance ritual, 4 days without eating while pieced through his chest and ecstatic dancing

• His quest and knowledge to cure diabetes

• The shaktipat that knocked Dr Cousens over and opened him to liberation

• How his kundalini was activated and what it told him to do with food

• Why he considers a raw, live, plant-sourced nutritional diet to be most optimal

• How at 77 years young he does 1,000 push ups and 80 pull ups in one sitting

A Mystic for Any Age, Gabriel Cousens Pursued “Spiritual Liberation” Through Holistic Medicine and 3 Great Spiritual Traditions: Torah Jewish Mysticism, Eastern Yogic Way of Life, Native American Sundance Traditions.

My guest is Gabriel Cousens M.D., who is Considered one of the world’s leading experts and proponent of raw, live, plant-sourced nutrition, Dr. Cousens pioneered a way to cure diabetes in just 21 days. Dr. Cousens is a 4-year Native American Sun Dancer and Eagle Dancer and an 11-year Spirit Dancer. Adopted by the Lakota Sioux Horn Chip Clan, he was appointed head of the Yellow Horse Clan.

• Beginning in 2008, Dr. Cousens began developing diabetes prevention and organic farms programs supported with micro-business loans in 26 different countries. Dr. Cousens is the author of 13 books. Dr. Cousens is a Holistic Physician* Psychiatrist * Family Therapist * Rabbi * Yogi * Spiritual Mystic * Vital @ Any Age Advocate * Humanitarian * Peace Ambassador and Physician of the Soul. To learn more: drcousens.com and treeoflife.mn.co

Debbi Dachinger is a certified coach whose expertise is Visibility in Media. She coaches people to write a page turner book, takes their book to a guaranteed international bestseller, AND pulls back the curtain, so clients have the system to be interviewed on media and podcast and get massive results. Debbi shows people how to find and use media exposure to locate their tribe, fill workshops, sell books, and gain exposure. Connect with her at: https://DebbiDachinger.com and get your free Tools and Templates

DARE TO MAKE YOUR DREAMS A REALITY. Debbi Dachinger puts the ‘inspiration‘ back into podcasts in a talk show about cutting-edge success. It's your #1 transformation conversation.

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