This episode is about knowing. We introduce ourselves, the podcast, and how we define teaching and learning for justice, liberation, and abolition through conversations with two teachers from our own schooling experiences: Ms. Brenda Fleming and Michelle Cotnoir. In this episode's Resource Room, we hear from Chase-Mitchell about a book that keeps her grounded in her teaching practice and Zoe, a high school student from Virginia, shares a poem about language, identity, and the power to become. Who are your podcast hosts? (monét and Erin) Why this podcast, why now, and why should we join together on this journey toward liberation in our schools? Well, you'll just have to listen. Thank you for coming with us.

This Episode's Intellectual Inheritance

Dr. Bettina Love’s abolitionist clip is from Education For Liberation Network's Repurposing Our Pedagogies discussion, YouTube, June 3, 2020
“The Transformation of Silence into Language and Action”, The Cancer Journals, Audre Lorde
Fleming Day School, (678) 429-0312
Organic World Language
Thank you to Ron Berger at EL Schools who encouraged us, connected us to two amazing podcasters — Erica and Katie — and still reminds us to make beautiful work.