Okay… what we’re not doing here is putting Band-Aids on the problems!

In this episode I WILL NOT be talking about:

Reels Hashtags Live video A posting schedule

That stuff is great. But that stuff is not marketing! That stuff enhances your marketing!

In episode #208 of the Dance Boss Podcast, I’m here to give you a cure for the problem.

I share with you three things you can do now to improve your marketing and get your first paid clients:

Know your money and why your program is priced the way it is.  Decide what area of your expertise you want to focus on. Define how your program solves a problem for a specific person.


Click here for show notes 



Did you see Apolla Performance get a deal on Shark Tank? It was so exciting to see our dance community represented and spotlighted on National TV. Check out their shocks now!


IG/FB @Apollaperfomance



Are you a dance professional that currently offers your services 1:1, through workshops or consulting? Do you desire to gain time and freedom, create scalability, and hit 4-figure months? Inside of DancePreneur Academy, I teach you how to do this by turning your 1:1, consulting/workshops into a curriculum-driven group program. Wanna learn more? Schedule a call and let's chat. - tinyurl.com/DPAWaitlist1