After hearing God will make a provision for the people in His Son in Hosea 11, in Hosea 12 the Lord gives the people their duty - -to turn thou to thy God-. He brings to remembrance the patriarch Jacob. Who ceased being the deceiver and became Israel the -prince of God- who had -power with God-. We are exhorted to turn back from our deceitful ways as Jacob did. Instead to wrestle with JEHOVAH and find our sufficiency in He who is I AM THAT I AM. We remember that the Angel that Jacob wrestled with was the pre-incarnate Christ - and so as we turn to the Lord, we remember that we turn in Christ. Preached Sabbath PM on 02-21-21 from Hosea 12.--Our need to turn to God is demonstrated by...-1. Jacob's sinfulness.-2. Jacob's perseverance.-3. Jacob's sufficiency.