As our exposition of the Gospel according to Luke continues, we come to the conversion of Levi and see a man whose heart was so seared towards God that he was willing to be thrown out of the synagogue and become an outcast among his people in pursuit of his god - mammon. But with a word, Jesus Christ converted this hardened sinner's heart. Levi demonstrates what true repentance looks like as he not only leaves behind his old life to follow Christ but also rejoices over his repentance by throwing a feast. Jesus explains clearly to the Pharisees that He has come for sinners and to call them to repentance. In this sermon we see the doctrine of repentance clearly in Levi and it is meant to spur us on to leave all and follow Jesus wherever He leads us in holiness and righteousness. Preached Sabbath PM from Luke 5-27-32 on 10-31-21.