Previous Episode: Compel them to come in!

As Hosea's prophecy shifts from the faithlessness of Israel to consider the love and salvation of the Lord, we consider the commitment of the Lord for His people expressed in these words, -How shall I give thee up-- That because of the Lord's everlasting love, He will never destroy His own people. Instead, He will, have mercy and compassion - in Jesus Christ - as He is prophesied in verse 1, -And called my son out of Egypt-. In our backsliding and our sin, we must remember the goodness of God - and are exhorted to quickly repent of sin- never to believe God will not take us back in Jesus Christ. Preached Sabbath PM on 02-14-21 from Hosea 11.--Outline-I. God's love preceded our backsliding.-II. God's mercy calls for our repentance.