Timing is everything - by shifting your prepartum vaccination program by one week, can make big difference in the success of your transition program. Dr. Schuenemann, Ohio State’s Extension state dairy veterinarian, investigated the difference between giving prepartum vaccines at day -28 vs -21. Listen in to hear why the industry should consider the shift to 4 weeks out to improve uptake of IgG in the mammary, the site we need it.

This continues our theme of: “Doesn’t cost a thing” – management changes we can make that make a difference. This podcast highlights the two part papers in press in the Journal of Dairy Science titled:

Effects of prepartum vaccination timing relative to pen change with an acidogenic diet on serum and colostrum immunoglobulins in Holstein dairy cows and The effect of Prepartum Vaccination relative to pen change with an acidogenic diet on lying time and metabolic profile in Holstein dairy cows.

Both are currently in press at the @JournalofDairyScience, 104.  
