How To Find the Perfect Work From Home Job For Moms With Kids!

Today on the show we were joined by Ashleigh Allman from Smart Cents Mom. 

Ashleigh is an amazing woman, she is a former teacher who is currently raising three young boys – talk about a crazy house!

After ten years as a teacher, she wanted to be able to stay at home with her kids, but were stuck on the “how”.  After a lot of trial and error (mostly error), she finally found online jobs that worked for her.

During her journey, she realized that there wasn’t a lot of useful information available to women in her shoes and she created the website Smart Cents Mom to help women find ways to earn money from home.

Ashleigh laid out the five steps she thinks women need to follow to get started in the online world.  Check out the podcast to learn more!

Since she is the Mom of three busy kids, we also talked about how to incorporate online jobs into your regular life.  She gave some great suggestions on finding little pockets of time to get work done and how to organize your work so that you can be more productive.

Resources to Check Out From The Podcast: Work At Home Workbook (Free Download) - This book goes into detail on the 5 steps we discussed to help you find an online job that works for you and your schedule.  It is a great resource that will help you lay out the steps you need to get started. 30+ Amazing Stay At Home Mom Jobs - Ashleigh's super detailed list of stay at home jobs that are perfect for moms. This is a really good list that has related links to many of the jobs so that you can see if they are good fits for you. 48+ Side Jobs Anyone Can Do To Earn Extra Money - This is a list I put together, but it includes a lot of non-stay at home jobs, that may not work for some of the Mom's listening to this podcast. How To Start Your First Side Hustle - This is my new book that is designed to help women start a side hustle.  I'm a bit biased, but I think it is a great resource for anyone who wants to create a business for themselves.