Learn How To Change Your Money Mindset With Kassandra Dasent

Your money mindset is what will make or break your personal financial success. Creating an abundant view of money is the goal of Kassandra Dasent our podcast guest today.

Join us as we talk about how to channel your energy towards changing how you view money so that you can actually achieve financial success.  This podcast is seriously amazing.  Kassandra really understands why we choose to make poor financial decisions even when we know better and her ideas on how to shape the way you view money will blow your mind away.  

If you are struggling to control your money and need a shot in the arm to get your reenergized please take a few minutes to listen to this podcast - you won't be disappointed.  

Kassandra is a firm believer in taking accountability for your money choices. She was a successful commercial credit analyst managing multiple million-dollar accounts but felt like a fraud because she had $55,000 in debt and was continually making poor money choices.

In order to be successful at money management, you have to open your mind to an abundant mindset.

In order to do this, you need to give a strong voice to your why. It needs to be more than just saying I want to pay off debt. You need to be able to look at the big picture and give yourself a reason that will give you the incentive to make the sacrifices you need.

For Kassandra, this breakthrough came when she met a man she hoped to marry and realized that her financial situation was holding her back.

After paying off her debt and completely changing her money mindset Kassandra realized that she wanted to do more with her life.

She was in a high-stress job that was causing her anxiety and depression and went through her own midlife crisis. She eventually decided to quit her job and has become a money mindset coach and speaker.

One of her biggest passions is to help people identify their emotional connection with money so that they can begin to control their money rather than having their emotions control their management of money.

How to become successful with money

To be successful with money you have to realize that most of your financial habits tie back to your own feelings of self-worth and self-respect. If you look back at the financial patterns in your life most of the time they are caused by specific events.

For example, in Kassandra’s case, she was born in Trinidad and migrated to Canada when she was six with her single mother. There was never enough money and as a result, most of her spending occurred as a result of a need to feel and look like she was successful.

For her spending money meant that she was successful and had moved beyond the poverty of her childhood.

In order to change your money mindset you need to follow these three steps:

1. Take responsibility for your financial choices and own your decisions.
2. Learn how to identify your financial triggers.
3. Create process and systems that will help you shift your focus and gain control of your money.

One of the ways she does this successfully is by constantly setting financial (and personal) goals. If you want to avoid recidivism with your money then you have to realize that every financial goal you achieve is just a plateau that will help you achieve an even bigger goal.

If you want to learn how to change your money mindset from a scarcity mentality to an abundant mindset mentality you really, really need to listen to this podcast.

One of the biggest nuggets I got from this podcast was the concept of capturing money from both ends of the spectrum.

I’m a huge believer in always paying myself first. Every single time I get paid I put 10% of my income towards my saving goals (check out my retirement plan here).

Paying yourself first is a great way to begin taking control of your money, but according to Kassandra, you also need to focus on paying yourself last.

What this means is that you should put all of your focus on consistently underspending every single month and put the money towards your financial goals.

It is kind of like the opposite of burning the candle at both ends because it gives you positive results every single time.

Your goal should be to find a way of controlling your money flow so that you can stop money from escaping, but also so that you are in complete control of your money mindset.

Resource Mentioned in the Podcast: Kassandra Dasant Website Minding Your Money Facebook Group Minding Your Money With Kassandra Dasent YouTube Channel How To Pay Yourself First