Jeff Heggie Daily Success Strategies

290: Why This Is The Best Time In History To Chase Your Dreams!

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second-best time is now.” – Chinese Proverb

Do you know the similarity between these companies?

· Hewlett Packard

· Hyatt Hotels

· Microsoft

· Mail Chimp

· Uber

· Netflix

· Airbnb

· Trader Joes

· Sports Illustrated


· General Electric…

Every single one of these companies began during a recession. For the past year I have been telling you to chase your dreams. There’s never been a better time in history to go chase your dreams.

This has been the Great Reset. Our world got turned upside down and everything seemed to fall apart. We have seen during the past year that there are no guarantees.

Take control of your own future and live the life you want.

There are five steps you need to figure out and take action on now:

1. What’s Your Big Idea?

2. Discover Your Niche – Don’t try to be everything to everyone.

3. Identify Your Avatar (Your Ideal Client) – Listen to my Daily Success Strategies “Episode 285: The Secret Every Entrepreneur Needs to Know” and I’ll show help you figure this out.

4. Identify Your Avatars Biggest Struggle – This is the problem you are going to solve

5. Get Yourself a Mentor or Coach

Now stop holding yourself back and take action!

If you would like me to help you to figure out and implement these steps, email me at [email protected]with the subject line “opportunity.” We’ll set up a free strategy call to get you started!