Daily Strides Podcast for Equestrians artwork

Daily Strides Podcast for Equestrians

467 episodes - English - Latest episode: 6 days ago - ★★★★★ - 164 ratings

If you are tired of riding the endless circle, or you're struggling to find inspiration for your riding each week, this is the podcast for you.

The Daily Strides Podcast is for equestrians wanting to learn more, stay inspired, and continue to move the conversation between horse and rider forward.

Each episode provides step by step guided instruction on different aspects of riding, groundwork, and lunging your horse or pony.

All episodes have a full blog post published at https://StridesForSuccess.com. New episodes are published every Monday.

Say goodbye to the endless circle and hello to intentional interaction with your horse in a way that you both enjoy, that you both benefit from, by subscribing to the Daily Strides Podcast for Equestrians today and

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Smoother Downward Transitions

April 03, 2023 09:07 - 13 minutes - 10.5 MB

There is a tendency for riders to 'hold' a little too much during the downward transitions.  And while the half halt is essential to the preparation and transition itself... Too much can lead to a very 'stuck' feeling when the horse actually makes it into the new gait!  A little like 'stuck in the mud'. In this episode, I am releasing a Connection Bonus Live Call from June 2021.  This is due to my ongoing hoarse voice!  I hope you enjoy the 'episode' and that it is useful for you in your ri...

I Don’t Have Enough Time to Ride…

March 27, 2023 15:01 - 18 minutes - 20 MB

A few months ago, I really felt the burden of guilt on my soul…  And during that time, my ‘whine’ was fairly constant; “I don’t have time to ride!’ Now, it is not lost on me the fact that I created all of this guilt myself. You see, whenever I was doing one thing, I was feeling like I ‘should’ have been doing something else. So, when I was with ‘The Boys’ (my children) I felt guilty because I ‘should‘ have been riding. And when I was at the stables and in the saddle, I felt guilty because ...

Horse Riding as a Parent – How to Make It Work

March 20, 2023 13:26 - 16 minutes - 18.5 MB

Can I tell you something funny?  Years ago, before I had children, I was one of ‘those’ people. You know the ones that say “when I have children, I will have them at the stables with me all the time because nothing will change”.  I usually followed it up with something offhand like “they will fit in with my schedule”.  Ha, ha, ha!! Oh, how naive it was back then! If you are trying to juggle horse riding and parenting, you will know all too well that they can often clash. The time, focus, a...

Tipping Forward while Transitioning into the Canter

March 13, 2023 10:47 - 17 minutes - 19.1 MB

Have you ever fallen into the trap of trying to actually get your horse to canter? It’s a sneaky one that hides in plain sight. And it is an exhausting one as well. The good news is that you’re not alone! Over the years, I have seen so many riders make this mistake. Because trying to make your horse canter, and asking your horse to canter are two completely different things… And the latter, asking your horse, is so much easier, balanced, and enjoyable for all involved. It also has a much h...

Declutter Your Riding and Watch What Happens…

March 06, 2023 10:47 - 14 minutes - 16.2 MB

I bet that you still remember the day you made your first ‘big’ equestrian-related purchase.  Whether that was a helmet, a saddle, a horse, or a property, it’s a special time for all riders.  And of course, all of the ‘big ones’ that come after that are equally as memorable. The same applies to your riding.  That feeling when you ‘finally’ understood the canter and how to move with your horse – rather than bouncing against it!  Or the first clear round you and your horse worked together to...

Developing More Patience as a Rider

February 27, 2023 10:44 - 23 minutes - 25.2 MB

A lack of patience is something that many riders feel shame about. I was one of those riders for many years, so I know full well how it feels. The initial frustration, the following swift judgment or potential explosion, and then the guilt that happens afterward. Let’s be honest, coming out the other side from losing your patience is rarely a good place to be! And yet, for years I simply believed that I was not a patient person. Like it was something that you are either born with – or not ...

Building Confidence When Riding a Nervous Horse

February 20, 2023 10:26 - 16 minutes - 17.7 MB

Riding a nervous horse is one thing… Feeling less than confident about your own abilities while on your horse is quite another. Imagine it, up there, on your horse. He is beginning to get a little ‘jumpy’. Let’s be honest, so are you… Doubts are beginning to creep in and your thoughts are heading in a direction you would rather that they didn’t go… Building confidence in your abilities to both handle yourself and the horse when in this situation is often a long road. However, it can be done...

Using Transitions to Improve Your Posture

February 13, 2023 10:13 - 11 minutes - 13.1 MB

For many riders, posture is something that they rarely think a whole lot about. It’s a basic that you ‘set and forget’. Meaning, you figure out what it is and how it feels, and then you are diligent in putting it onto autopilot. Which then frees you up to focus on other things. And this works well; until it doesn’t… Transitions, particularly between gaits, have this special ability to shine a spotlight on any weaknesses either horse or rider has, and riders posture is often the focus of thi...

How to Secure a Swinging Lower Leg

February 06, 2023 10:55 - 12 minutes - 13.6 MB

What is it about a swinging lower leg that makes it so annoying for riders, horses, and trainers the world over?! I mean, everyone has their specific ‘riding issues’ and deals with them accordingly. And yet, a swinging lower leg has the potential to have riders stuck on a plateau forever! I don’t need to tell you how important it is to have a secure lower leg when riding. It is vital for the safety, communication, and, maybe, mental health of all involved! If you have been struggling with ...

Simple Tips to Improve Your Hands & ‘Fixes’ for Those Habits…

January 30, 2023 10:47 - 13 minutes - 14.9 MB

Your hands are an aid in your riding. So understanding why the way you hold your reins and how to judge the height of your hands when riding is important. And realizing how much your hand aids are impacting and affecting your riding can change everything.   As riders, one of the first things we learn is how to ‘hold’ the reins.  However, often the ‘why’ behind all of this is never really explained to us. Your Hands Connect So, it’s obvious that your hands are the connection between y...

Fear and Horse Riding

January 23, 2023 10:47 - 15 minutes - 17.7 MB

Has fear or lack of confidence ever held you back in your riding? If so, you will know how debilitating this can be.  Sometimes it’s caused by a past experience. Or it can be created when we think of all the things that ‘can’ potentially happen.   Whatever the cause, I think that it is important to recognize that this particular challenge won’t simply vanish on its own.  Sure, sometimes it can seem like it has shifted or even disappeared.  But more often than not, it is simply buried and...

Today's Riding Plan for You and Your Horse...

January 16, 2023 10:47 - 19 minutes - 21.8 MB

"So, what are you planning on doing today?". It's a question I ask at least 5 or 6 times a week to different riders.  And, let's be honest here, so often the answer is not all that great! "I'm not sure.  We'll see when we start working."  If that's you right regarding your next ride with your horse, I am giving you 'the look'!  The look I reserve for riders who say they want to achieve and do all of the things... But they continue to wing it when it comes to their training and their responsi...

What is 'Doing It' for You and Your Horse This Year?

January 09, 2023 10:47 - 11 minutes - 13 MB

It's always the same.  The same sentences are being spoken and written about the same things. And I've been thinking about why it is this way.  Why do most riders make the same 'resolutions' year in and year out?  Rather than growing, building, and developing so that they get to create something different each year they are together?   How about this year, you try something different for you and your horse?  Something that you can feel a sense of accomplishment about? Commit to 'Doing It...

Making the Most of Time with Your Horse

December 05, 2022 10:47 - 13 minutes - 14.7 MB

There are certain times of the year when circumstances mean you can find yourself with either more or less time with your horse. December, August, and April are just a few that pop into my mind.  Some riders find they have more time, and other riders have significantly less! It just depends on your unique circumstances and situation. What is key to remember is that whatever side of the time conundrum you find yourself on, making the time with your horse count is important. Especially if yo...

Safely Including Jumping in Your Horse's Training

November 28, 2022 07:38 - 13 minutes - 14.7 MB

Whether you enjoy jumping or not, the fact of the matter remains... When approached correctly and consistently, jumping can significantly benefit horses and riders in a long-term training program even if there is no intention of actually 'jumping' competitively. And this is true regardless of discipline, training level, and experience. When introduced the right way, and then strategically used jumping is a great way to add diversity to the training - and physically and mentally develop the ...

3 Mistakes when Purchasing an Online Horse Program...

November 21, 2022 10:47 - 13 minutes - 14.6 MB

There are times each year when special offers are just an inevitable part of life. Right now is one of those times; I can only imagine how, right now, your inbox is full, full, full, with all of the things!  And some of those things, online horse programs, are just so, well, darn good... Right? Hmmm... Maybe too good?! I think that most of us would agree that knowing how to discern 'all of the things' when it comes to online horse programs and courses can be a bit of a fine art.  Particu...

3 Lunging Exercises to Train Your Horse

November 14, 2022 10:58 - 13 minutes - 14.8 MB

As a rider, it is important to always look for ways to keep your schooling work interesting; for you and your horse. One of the ways you can do this is by working on different lunging exercises.  And they don't have to be 'fancy' or complex. In fact, there are a few basic exercises you can begin working on introducing, or refining today that will help you to really begin utilizing lunging as a training tool for you and your horse.  Now, just like riding, it is important that before you div...

Using Lunging to Help Your Horse Build Responsibility

November 08, 2022 16:17 - 20 minutes - 21.8 MB

As both a rider and trainer of your horse, one of your responsibilities is to help your horse build responsibility. In order for riders and their horses to take their training further, both sides of the team need to show up and work together. This cannot happen if we, the riders, are trying to control all of the moving parts. And so, this can bring up a few questions for riders... How can I begin to help my horse work 'with' me, rather than just 'for' me? And how can I develop his confide...

3 Groundwork Exercises to Train Your Horse

October 31, 2022 10:11 - 12 minutes - 14.4 MB

Just last week, I noticed a rider literally dragging their horse from the stables towards the arena. The rider was about a meter in front of the horse's head. Her face was red with effort! And her horse was literally going nowhere slowly. It occurred to me that so many riders make things really difficult for themselves by not having a few ground rules in place when it comes to their horse and their expectations. And what better place to work on ground rules than on the ground? Beside you...

Stop Trying to Control Your Horse!

October 24, 2022 10:29 - 18 minutes - 19.7 MB

For years, I was all about control when it came to horses.  I wanted to understand how to control them better, and how I could help riders do this… Until, one day, I realized I was working under a false pretense! You see, I figured something out.  It was like an ‘oh wow’ moment. There is no way to control a horse – or at least a way to do this that encourages the development and training of horse and rider. And I really and truly believe that if more riders could understand this, they can ...

Training Your Horse without a Horse Arena or Flat Riding Space

October 17, 2022 10:17 - 14 minutes - 15.8 MB

Whether it comes down to circumstances, weather, or location, finding yourself without a flat, good-quality, horse arena to train in, can often derail everything. It can feel like every single exercise you see or hear about requires acres of space and dozens of poles! And, maybe even more frustrating is when you begin to feel things coming together, only to slip or unbalance due to questionable footing or ground levels. Let's be perfectly honest here; having a good quality suitable horse a...

Groundwork for Horses and Rhythm in Training

October 10, 2022 10:35 - 15 minutes - 16.4 MB

Rhythm is genuinely one of those things that can seem so simple on the surface.  And, don't get me wrong, rhythm is a fairly simple concept. However, when we begin applying it to horses and riding, it is truly eye-opening just how deep we can go with the idea. A little like groundwork for horses... And, because rhythm is something we can approach from different perspectives and filters, the possibilities are pretty endless. So when we combine rhythm and groundwork for horses, we can really...

3 Keys To More Consistent Contact

October 04, 2022 11:26 - 18 minutes - 19.8 MB

Contact can often look effortless for some horses and riders. And yet, for many other riders, consistent contact can seem like an enigma. Any efforts at consistency tend to lead to heaviness. Or a complete lack of any contact!  So where is this fine line between consistent, quality contact and washing lines? In order to develop contact with your horse, I feel that you must first understand what a 'good' contact is. This can often be confusing for many riders, so let's start there... Read...

Introducing the Canter to Walk Transition

September 26, 2022 11:54 - 17 minutes - 19.5 MB

So you are a place in your canter where you want to begin to do a little ‘more’.  After a quick ‘google’ of all the different exercises, you see a canter to walk pop up a few times. Canter to walk?! Without a handbrake?!  Yes, and even better, this will begin to prepare you and your horse for so much more to come.  The canter to walk transition can seem daunting when we begin to think about it first. However, once you and your horse have begun working successfully in a few key areas, it do...

Step Up Your Riding with the Walk to Canter Transition

September 20, 2022 09:47 - 13 minutes - 14.9 MB

This transition is a personal favorite of mine.  To ride and to help other riders as well. I really do believe that the walk to canter transition can help you and your horse to connect more to each other.  It can help you to have more clarity over your canter aids, and your horse to become more responsive. And you both to develop so that your training can progress forward. In fact, the walk to canter can help horses and riders progress in ways that they don’t even realize they are.  It int...

Could Poor Posture be Ruining Your Transitions to Canter?

September 12, 2022 09:40 - 13 minutes - 14.4 MB

The transition into canter is one that always gives us opportunities to develop and improve as riders. And it can do the same for our horses as well. And yet, for many riders, improvement is frustratingly slow! The good news is that it doesn’t have to be this way. Canter and transitions into the canter are one aspect of horse riding that can improve quickly, often with just the smallest of tweaks applied. The key is to be strategic about what you are tweaking. And be willing to look out fo...

Create More Success When Training Your Horse Alone

September 05, 2022 12:20 - 16 minutes - 18 MB

Are all the months starting to look and feel the same for you and your horse? Especially if you have been training your horse alone! Have you been experiencing a case of ‘same ride again’ on repeat, over and over again?  If so, here are 5 tips to help you to achieve more when training your horse.  Especially if you are working alone without a trainer or a coach to help. More Success When Training Your Horse Alone Let’s be honest here, we all want ‘more’.  We want to do things in as lit...

Getting into Canter on Your Easygoing or Lazy Horse

August 29, 2022 14:08 - 18 minutes - 20 MB

Getting into canter on an easygoing or lazy horse can be exhausting!  And while we do love our laidback equines… Can we all be honest in admitting how, sometimes, just a little more enthusiasm would change everything?  The good news is that you can quickly begin to change this in your horse. You see, often, the trot to canter is often a symptom of a bigger issue – a lack of responsiveness. Increasing your horse’s responsiveness is possible. It will take a consistent approach from you – an...

When Your Horse 'Runs' From Trot into the Canter

August 22, 2022 13:22 - 15 minutes - 16.8 MB

Riding, just like life, is about enjoying the journey rather than just the destination.  However, when you're transitioning from the trot into the canter - and your horse seems determined to show you just how fast he can actually trot beforehand; well, the journey is not all that enjoyable! I don't know of a single rider who enjoys the 'rush' of a horse running from trot to canter. It is bouncy, unbalancing, and, sometimes, scary.  Also, it more often than not sets up a canter that feels l...

Setting Up Each Ride as a Stepping Stone in Your Training

August 15, 2022 13:15 - 14 minutes - 15.7 MB

Every time you interact with your horse, there is the possibility of improving your communication and understanding.  However, planning and intention must be present for each ride to be an actual stepping stone.  Having one without the other will not give you the outcome you are hoping for. Creating the plan and setting the intention is key to each ride becoming a valuable link in the chain of progress as you train your horse. And this begins with you deciding where you are going and how y...

Becoming More Balanced without Stirrups

August 08, 2022 12:06 - 15 minutes - 16.3 MB

There is a point in every rider's journey where balance becomes less about staying on and more about increasing overall effectiveness. However, in order to positively influence the horse, the rider needs to begin working on developing better balance. I feel that one of the best ways to do this is by developing independent aids.  Independent from both the influence of each other's movement.  And independent from any potential 'speed wobbles' our horse might experience when working together....

How Your Horses Talents Can Help Develop His Weaker Points

August 01, 2022 09:47 - 12 minutes - 13.4 MB

We all have talents. Things that seem to come naturally to us and that we excel at. Your horse is the same. And, in my experience, when we approach training our horses with the idea that we are helping them develop their talents, everyone is happier. Unfortunately, it is common practice for many people to focus on weaknesses. Both in the human and in the horse! And so many riders create training programs and riding plans based on what their horse is not so talented at doing. Doing someth...

How Flexion Can Transform Your Riding & Training with Your Horse

July 25, 2022 08:54 - 12 minutes - 13.6 MB

I find it a little mind-boggling how, the longer we spend developing ourselves as riders, the more we need to unlearn. Especially when it comes to those first one or two initial horse riding lessons! Using your hands and arms to 'steer' the horse is one of those things. And, flexion is often one of the best concepts to help riders become clearer on this. And more open to other possibilities when it comes to their aids, their riding, and steering their horse. Read More... Get Support &...

The Best Question to Ask Yourself when You’re in the Saddle…

July 18, 2022 09:43 - 13 minutes - 14.7 MB

Have you noticed how, for many people, the longer they spend in the saddle, the less curious they become about a lot of things ‘riding related’? Now, other riders are the exact opposite, they want to go deeper and further in all aspects of riding. Which is fantastic. If you have found yourself doing something for the sake of just doing something with your horse, I want to challenge you today. I want to give you a simple, extremely powerful way to both gain clarity, and assess yourself whil...

Improve Your Riding Skills Today With This Simple Exercise…

July 11, 2022 09:47 - 11 minutes - 13 MB

Can changing one thing really help you to improve your riding? I think so, and the great news is that regardless of how well you ride, you can begin to implement this the very next time you’re in the saddle. This exercise is suitable for you to ride in walk, trot, and canter. It is also something you can use for lateral work and even grids and jumping. Read More... Get Support & Guidance in Your Riding Free Riding Plan for Equestrians Join Connection today and transform your riding...

Train Your Horse in Twenty Minutes or Less

July 04, 2022 09:14 - 12 minutes - 13.8 MB

Time, or the lack thereof, is often the number one thing that keeps riders from training their own horses.  And while time is an essential part of the puzzle in order to develop and grow your horse successfully, often we overestimate how much of it we actually need. In fact, one of the reasons riders often don’t have enough time to work with their horse has more to do with a lack of planning and less about a lack of time. So, if you are currently in a season of your life where time seems t...

Improving Working Contact While Out Hacking

June 27, 2022 09:51 - 16 minutes - 17.7 MB

I am all for intentional, relaxing hacks with your horse. And I also think that it’s worth remembering that not all hacks have to be for ‘doing nothing’. In fact, there are some things that may actually happen more easily when out of the arena. Working contact is, for some riders and horses, one of those things. We are always working towards soft, intuitive, and responsive contact when we ride. Contact that can shift and adapt depending on what the specific focus is. Developing that sort o...

Strategically Using Your Time when Training or Retraining Your Horse

June 20, 2022 09:11 - 13 minutes - 15 MB

Why is it that, as equestrians, we often want to immediately have what we see others with?  And I’m not just talking about saddles, boots, and gloves… But the actual ‘horse’, exercises, movements, training, and level of performance.  We ‘know’ that time is required, but gosh, time can mean a lot of things to a lot of different riders! When you are working alone riding and training your horse, strategically using your time is vitally important if you are to make progress.  Today, I want to ...

5 Reasons You’re Stuck when Training or Retraining Your Horse

June 13, 2022 08:59 - 16 minutes - 17.4 MB

It can be frustrating when you know exactly what you want to achieve when training or retraining your horse, but it seems to be taking ‘forever’!  It seems that no matter how much you explain your horse, he’s not ‘getting it’. Training or retraining your horse is something that takes time.  And, sometimes, it is our own impatience or actions that actually keep things stuck where progress is concerned.  Today I want to cover the 4 most common causes that may cause you to become a little stu...

Out on the Trail; Harnessing the Different Energy

June 06, 2022 08:52 - 12 minutes - 13.9 MB

Anyone who has ridden in an arena for a prolonged period knows how different the energy feels when they finally get out on the trail.  What may have been feeling a little flat and, even, deflated, suddenly comes back to life.  Both horse and rider seem to become more keenly self-aware.  And more responsive to external elements. Rather than being afraid of this energy or worried about it, you can rather begin to intentionally channel that energy to improving your training & riding.  By stra...

Establishing Flow in the Space Between Jumps

May 30, 2022 09:47 - 11 minutes - 12.7 MB

Jumping is one of those things most riders love or hate.  In my experience, their personal preferences depend on how well they can use the space between jumps. If every jumping track feels like a tug of war from start to finish, it’s easy to see how jumping itself won’t be all that enjoyable.  The same applies if the rider feels like they are doing the work for both themselves and their very uninterested, laid-back, and uninspired horse! One of the best ways to improve your jumping is to wo...

Why Improving Your Accuracy Will Improve Your Engagement in Your Riding

May 23, 2022 07:35 - 12 minutes - 13.9 MB

Accuracy can seem like a dull and boring concept when riding horses.  Sure, if you are going to compete in dressage or show jumping, accuracy can become really important.  But what about if you are simply a rider, working alone with your horse, trying to improve your overall skills?  Is accuracy still as important? I'm going to say yes, accuracy is important. And it is an excellent way of actually establishing and building engagement with your horse. Now, granted, accuracy and engagement m...

How to Become a Better Rider in 90 Days

May 20, 2022 11:11 - 17 minutes - 18.5 MB

It’s probably safe to assume that you want to improve as a rider, right? That, if becoming a better rider in 90 days was guaranteed, you’d probably follow the plan and do the work?  Well, the good news is that, regardless of where you are in your riding right now, you can indeed improve over the coming 90 days (or 3 months).  However, it will involve a little planning, preparation, and commitment in order to make it all happen. Using the previous 90 days in your riding to create a plan to i...

Cantering on the Lunge? Here’s How to Make it Work…

May 19, 2022 19:43 - 13 minutes - 14.5 MB

Here’s a confession; for years I used to think of cantering while on the lunge as just something I did to ‘finish the session’. It was like something that I could check off a list. There was no intention behind it (only to get it done), And with any cantering happening while on the lunge, there was definitely no thought put into using the time or gait to develop the horse. Which, now, seems so bizarre! Why would I have even bothered with it when there was no set focus or intention?! It rea...

Regularly Revisiting the Basics; Why You NEED to Do This in Your Riding...

March 20, 2022 10:47 - 14 minutes - 15.3 MB

It can seem like something that only novice or beginner riders would worry themselves with; revisiting the basics.  After all, surely there's a point where, as riders, we can 'set and forget' a couple of things in our riding? Basics like position and the aids.  Or trotting and cantering... And I think a lot of this stems from the fact that we see the basics as being, somehow, for beginners.  For riders who are only just getting started on their journey.  Surely not riders who have been hard...

Calmly Introducing Canter While Working Your Horse on the Lunge

March 13, 2022 10:22 - 18 minutes - 19.8 MB

If you have even been at the other end of a lunge line to a horse who is adamant to show you exactly how fast he can go on a circle… You will know all about ‘that’ feeling!  The one where every fiber of your being is screaming at you to ‘stop the horse’.  And yet, it feels like there is absolutely nothing you can do!   Intentionally mixing cantering and lunging together is not for the faint of heart!  It often requires nerves of steel – especially at the beginning of the journey…   The...

Creating Planned Responses In Your Riding (rather than messy reactions!)

March 07, 2022 10:47 - 14 minutes - 15.6 MB

Do you have days where, after you get home, sit down, and think over the day’s events, you think to yourself “Why did I react like that?!”?  I know I do, even now.  I find that if I allow my emotions to run things, the chances of everything turning out exactly as I would have two chances. Slim and none!  This is why I began, a few years ago now, creating planned responses in my riding. Simply put, I began thinking about what ‘could’ or ‘might’ happen… And how the ‘best version’ of me would ...

Re-Defining the Rhythm in the Canter with Your Horse

February 28, 2022 10:47 - 12 minutes - 14.3 MB

There are some things that many of us simply accept in life.  Rainy days. Horsehair is everywhere in Spring. The rhythm in the canter.  And yet, while we cannot change the weather (okay, debatable) and we definitely cannot get around the necessary loss of the winter coat… The Rhythm in the canter is definitely something we can have a more positive influence over when we ride – rather than simply accepting what is.  And yet, it can seem daunting! Many riders find that when they attempt to b...

Are Your Outdated Expectations Ruining Your Riding Progress?

February 21, 2022 10:47 - 14 minutes - 15.5 MB

Isn’t it amazing how so many riders just seem to ‘know’ what will happen each time they ride? They have certain expectations that, almost magically, seem to always come true for them. Unfortunately, the keywords in that sentence are ‘for them’. I see time and again how riders, regardless of what is really happening, will define each ride based on their beliefs and expectations. And, for most of these riders, these beliefs and expectations are simply untrue or unrealistic.  Meaning that the...

Syncing Your Seat in the Canter with Your Horse

February 14, 2022 04:10 - 18 minutes - 19.6 MB

All riders can be put into one of two categories when it comes to the canter… Those who can move their seat in the canter with their horse – and those who can’t. This is a bitter pill to swallow for those on the ‘can’t’ side of the fence.  And yet, it is something that they would secretly love to be able to do. Having the ability to control your seat in the canter completely changes how much influence you have in the gait – and it is a lot more comfortable.  So, if you’ve been stuck in th...