It’s been a while since the last podcast! Way too long in fact, but we’re back on track and hope to be rolling out the coffee filled podcasts again. We’re starting things back up with an interview I did with Nate Smith, better known as Coffee Nate. Nate is a coffee blogger and social media ...

DSOC Podcast 4: Talking Coffee, Social Media And More With Coffee Nate is a post from: Daily Shot Of Coffee Blog

Coffee Nate (left)

It’s been a while since the last podcast! Way too long in fact, but we’re back on track and hope to be rolling out the coffee filled podcasts again.

We’re starting things back up with an interview I did with Nate Smith, better known as Coffee Nate. Nate is a coffee blogger and social media consultant from Sault St. Marie, way up near the Canadian border.

Weather wise, it couldn’t get much different between where he lives and where I am in Florida, but as far as bloggers, Nate and I are a lot alike. We both started blogging at about the same time in 2009. We both are coffee fanatics, but don’t have a coffee industry background. Neither of us are baristas or roasters. However, that hasn’t stopped us from sharing our love of coffee with others that want something better than a bitter, stale cup of coffee that needs to be buried in cream and sugar.

Against better judgement, we decided to record the call and let you guys and gals in on the fun. We talked about coffee (I know a shocker!), social media and a few other random topics.

I hope you enjoy the show!

Subscribe to the podcast via iTunes or the Podcast RSS.

Podcast Notes:

Visit Coffee Nate’s blog or check out this social media consulting at Zynali Marking Solutions.

Make sure to say hi to him on Facebook and Twitter.

Thanks to Nate for taking time out of his busy day to the podcast. If you know someone that would make a great guest on a future episode or would like to be interviewed, please shoot me a message via the contact form.

DSOC Podcast 4: Talking Coffee, Social Media And More With Coffee Nate is a post from: Daily Shot Of Coffee Blog