Zang Fu

Chapter 5

Patterns of Disease

-Patterns of Disharmony of the Eight Principles

Interior and Exterior
Cold and Heat
Deficiency and Excess

-Combinations of the Patterns of the Eight Principles

Exterior and Heat, Interior and Heat; Exterior and Cold, Interior and Cold
Excess and Heat, Deficiency and Heat, Excess and Cold, Deficiency and Cold
Excess and Heat (Excess Yang), Deficiency and Heat (Deficient Yin)
Excess Heat (Excess Yang)
Deficient Heat (Deficient Yin)
Excess and Cold (Excess Yin), Deficiency and Cold (Deficient Yang)
Excess Cold (Excess Yin)
Deficient Cold (Deficient Yang)
Collapse of Yin or Yang
True Heat and Illusionary Cold: True Cold and Illusionary Heat