Follow your passion as you're guided in a meditation to uplift your consciousness.

This is part 5 of a 7-Part Meditation Series Leave a Legacy Meditations, Episodes 2902-2908.


Go on a Quest. Stretch outside of your comfort zone and think of a legacy you want to share with others. What's some way you'd like to improve yourself? Think of how starting a Quest and sticking with it for a selected amount of time could improve your life and the lives of others.

You are guided with a different meditation technique every day that is customized for the week's theme. Weave the techniques into the most stressful times of your day to manage difficult emotions. The meditation techniques help to calm the "monkey mind," when your thoughts continuously interrupt your meditation.

For free meditation tools to help you start meditating please head over to my website at, and there you'll find a multitude of free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey.

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