Be guided on Day 1 of a meditation series to cultivate supportive relationships in your life. Consciously seek out relationships with people who inspire you in some way.    Who are the people who feed your soul in some way that enhances your life? Cultivate relationships with people who uplift and support you.    This is day 1 of a 7-day meditation series, Meditations for Conscious Relationships, episodes 2440-2446.    THIS WEEK'S MEDITATION LIFESTYLE CHALLENGE: Go on a letter-writing quest! Select someone to write a letter to. Share with them your reflections about something you've been wanting to share more deeply with someone. Invite the person to write back to you. Take part in this quest ongoing perhaps weekly, or monthly as you exchange hand-written letters.   You'll find additional daily support and a weekly guide with the meditation techniques for each theme at Instagram and sip and om Facebook. You'll find deeper, longer daily 30-minute guided meditations on the Sip and Om meditation app.   I invite you to try it for 2 weeks free! Receive access to 2,800+ fully guided meditations customized around a weekly theme. Select from 300+ series to fit your mood with a Clarity Journal and a Slow Down Guide customized for each theme. Brand new themes are introduced each week.    SIP AND OM MEDITATION APP Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free!   1-week Free Access to the Android app!   All meditations are created by Mary Meckley and are her original content.

Be guided on Day 1 of a meditation series to cultivate supportive relationships in your life. Consciously seek out relationships with people who inspire you in some way.    Who are the people who feed your soul in some way that enhances your life? Cultivate relationships with people who uplift and support you.    This is day 1 of a 7-day meditation series, Meditations for Conscious Relationships, episodes 2440-2446.    THIS WEEK'S MEDITATION LIFESTYLE CHALLENGE: Go on a letter-writing quest! Select someone to write a letter to. Share with them your reflections about something you've been wanting to share more deeply with someone. Invite the person to write back to you. Take part in this quest ongoing perhaps weekly, or monthly as you exchange hand-written letters.   You'll find additional daily support and a weekly guide with the meditation techniques for each theme at Instagram and sip and om Facebook. You'll find deeper, longer daily 30-minute guided meditations on the Sip and Om meditation app.   I invite you to try it for 2 weeks free! Receive access to 2,800+ fully guided meditations customized around a weekly theme. Select from 300+ series to fit your mood with a Clarity Journal and a Slow Down Guide customized for each theme. Brand new themes are introduced each week.    SIP AND OM MEDITATION APP Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free!   1-week Free Access to the Android app!   All meditations are created by Mary Meckley and are her original content.