Twitter Chat

Twitter chats are an excellent way to get the kind of traction most local service providers only dream of on Twitter, giving you a huge boost in engagement and traffic while generating conversations that center your business.

Big brands have been using Twitter chat, but we don't see alot of local service providers taking advantage of that. Netflix’s #DVDchat, for example, is their monthly Twitter chat. Netflix’s account will post questions around a specific theme or genre, like horror movies or musicals.

Determine business goals is a critical thing. You can’t figure out how to host a successful Twitter chat, after all, if you don’t even really know what “success” means for you.

Netflix’s #DVDchat, for example, isn’t called “#NetflixChat” or “#MovieChat.” It’s called #DVDchat, and they’ll intentionally bring up movies that aren’t on the online streaming roster, because it encourages users to subscribe to their lesser-used DVD mailing service.


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