Service providers hide behind their services and products. You go to an average plumbers or property management company’s website and there are hardly any real human faces on the website.


Smiling People Increases Sign-Ups for High Rise by 102%

What I love about this case study is that it proves adding the human element can have a dramatic impact on subscriptions.

Highrise, a simple lead management platform from the team at 37 Signals, had just seen a 37% increase in sign ups by testing a new long form page against their original design (Case study taken from Crazy Egg

Service providers hide behind their services and products. You go to an average plumbers or property management company’s website and there are hardly any real human faces on the website.


Smiling People Increases Sign-Ups for High Rise by 102%

What I love about this case study is that it proves adding the human element can have a dramatic impact on subscriptions.

Highrise, a simple lead management platform from the team at 37 Signals, had just seen a 37% increase in sign ups by testing a new long form page against their original design (Case study taken from Crazy Egg