Focusing On Activities Instead Of Actual Results


Outputs of Marketing/Selling: are essentially the avenues and activities you use to reach out to customers. Print advertising and retail stores are two traditional avenues for marketing your business. Content marketing outputs have exploded over the past decade, making blogs, social media, videos, surveys, and other online tools incredibly valuable. The trouble arises when businesses try to measure their effectiveness based strictly on these outputs. Unfortunately, the amount of time and effort involved does not guarantee any degree of marketing progress. You can have infinity outputs, but if they’re ineffective, they have absolutely no value.

Outcomes of Marketing/Selling: are much more reliable area of focus. They are the result of the hard work you expend through your outputs. So let’s say you use your website to gather email addresses. Then you send out relevant newsletters to those who opted in. The outputs are your website and your newsletters. But what matters? The outcomes: How many sales were made as a result? How has the newsletter changed public perception of your company?


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