From a marketing standpoint, emojis are undeniably useful. Emojis in a tweet can increase engagement by 25.4 percent, and emojis in a Facebook post can increase the number of likes by 57 percent and the number of comments and shares by 33 percent.

Academic study proving the fact Emoji’s or Emoticons work… Link

Emojis can be powerful tools that help your messages stick with your audience: a study found that participants who were sent messages with emojis scored higher on memory than those who were sent messages without emojis, indicating that emojis can make your message more memorable.

Top Ten Most Popular Emojis On the Internet 👉 👇 😉 🎉 🤔 👏 🚀 🔥 🎄 👀

For Valentine’s Day, the study found that using a “lips” emoji in the subject line resulted in a 24% read rate and an 89% inbox placement vs. the text-only group which only achieved a 20% read rate and an 83% inbox placement.


During ‘Biscuit Week’ in August 2016, the supermarket sent subscribers emails using the “biscuit” emoji in the subject line alongside the text ‘Crumbs, it’s biscuit week!’. These emails generated almost double the usual read rates, illustrating the impact emojis can have when used strategically – Source:  6 Ways To Use Emoji’s

Source: Emoji Use