Do you know your cost my per lead/Client? And when was the last time you looked at your marketing analytics and KPI’s? 📱

🎯 You have a personal tracker like Fitbit or IPhone Watch or Android Watch…but when it comes to tracking your marketing you don’t know your numbers…🎯

Like how much does it cost for me to get a lead

How much does it cost for me to close a client (Time, energy and money)

Where my clients are coming from (Google, Facebook, Outdoor Sign etc)

What is working and what is not working…

And other KPI’s which you should know about!!

Do you know your cost my per lead/Client? And when was the last time you looked at your marketing analytics and KPI’s? 📱

🎯 You have a personal tracker like Fitbit or IPhone Watch or Android Watch…but when it comes to tracking your marketing you don’t know your numbers…🎯

Like how much does it cost for me to get a lead

How much does it cost for me to close a client (Time, energy and money)

Where my clients are coming from (Google, Facebook, Outdoor Sign etc)

What is working and what is not working…

And other KPI’s which you should know about!!