🖥DVD’s were a commodity….there were DVD stores in every nieghbourhood….in-fact there were the ones which use to sell porn.

Then Netflix broke the line, where industry was focused on creating more stores like blockbuster.

Netflix innovated an industry based on user experience where you no longer needed to store this big rack rather now you can access all these movies at a click of a button.


Show notes: https//rapidboostmarketing.com/grow

🖥DVD’s were a commodity….there were DVD stores in every nieghbourhood….in-fact there were the ones which use to sell porn.

Then Netflix broke the line, where industry was focused on creating more stores like blockbuster.

Netflix innovated an industry based on user experience where you no longer needed to store this big rack rather now you can access all these movies at a click of a button.


Show notes: https//rapidboostmarketing.com/grow