Today’s video and blog is not about tactics and new technique/strategy. It’s about mindset. Are you playing defensively or offensively….are you being proactive or reactive!!


Why It’s the Best Time To Be a Small Business

Social media and online marketing is one of the biggest opportunity for small businesses. Previously it use be that big companies can buy radio, TV or magazine ads. Online marketing made it affordable and reachable for small businesses. It also enabled small players to play alongside big brands. Before you cannot post a big ad next to national brand, but you can have a better optimized campaign and beat them to it. Now you can achieve great things with a small budget to compete against big brands in your industry.


“Businesses Who Are Looking At Social Media and Online Media as Gateway Drug, are reaping full benefits. Business Owners Who Are Hating The Fact They Need To Change Their Marketing & Try New Things Like Video etc. Are Laggards and Getting Crushed”


Show notes