🔝 3 Core Pillars of Ranking Number 1 on Google & Other Search Engines🔝


In a Q&A with Google, Andrey Lipattsev, a Search Quality Senior Strategist at Google, said the other two factors were links and content:

I can tell you what they are. It is content. And it’s links pointing to your site.
He wouldn’t say which was more important, so the top three list now looks like this:

1 & 2: Links & Content
3: RankBrain (Source)

What is Google RankBrain?

RankBrain is a machine learning (AI) algorithm that Google uses to sort the search results. It also helps Google process and understand search queries.

In short, RankBrain tweaks the algorithm on its own.

Depending on the keyword, RankBrain will increase or decrease the importance of backlinks, content freshness, content length, domain authority etc.

Then, it looks at how Google searchers interact with the new search results. If users like the new algorithm better, it stays. If not, RankBrain rolls back the old algorithm.

Here’s the craziest part:

Google asked a group of Google Engineers to identify the best page for a given search. They also asked RankBrain.

And RankBrain outperformed brainy Google engineers by 10%! (Backlinko)

