Shofar so good! David Waldman, a man from the year 5783, portals in to guide us into the future.

Joan McCarter couldn’t make it, but if she did, she’d probably tell you there’s probably not going to be a government shutdown next week.

Italy meets the new Duce, same as the old Duce. Nobody says Fratelli D'Italia like Lauren and Marj.

Most of Alabama GQP chairman John Wahl’s family examined their computer MAC, cellphone IDs, Social Security and credit card numbers, and came to the conclusion that their voter IDs were the Mark of the Devil. (Want to bet they’re unvaxxed?)

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is on the lamb, a fugitive of justice, fleeing from an abortion rights lawsuit, felony securities charges, abuse of office, etc. Matt Gaetz has the Republican formula down pat, throw old buddies under the bus, find new, crazier friends, and live happily ever after.

Nitwit Jade Helm hysteria was fomented by the Russians. Trolling and disinformation seems to be the thing Russians are very good at, real war though isn’t really their thing. It might be had they got training, applied themselves, and if the Ukrainians would quit killing them for a second, butfor now Russian soldiers are leaning into being bad guys. Being villainous is right in Vladimir Putin’s wheelhouse.

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