Shana Tovah! David Waldman is off cheerfully tootling and self-reflecting. (Somber self-reflection is next month.) Ah, but yesterday, David recorded an all-new KITM! Open your pomegranate and enjoy!

Another, maybe final hearing from the January 6 Committee is this week. Over and over, the committee has documented the planning behind the coup. MAGA think tank Claremont Institute circle-jerked a Turner Diaries fantasy of the insurrection back in October 2020, entitled 79 Days to Inauguration. Authoritarian-advocating think tank Heritage Foundation’s senior staff are sometimes troubled by underlings not obedient to all of their top-down edicts.

The 5th Circuit appeals court compels censorship over the previous hundred years of 1st amendment law.

Donald Trump has lied and stolen for decades. There must be something he likes about it. Donald loves gossiping because he can hurt people behind their backs, hurt them to their face, then hurt them for profit.

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