David Waldman and Greg Dworkin would have brought us a great Indigenous Peoples' Day show today if only the world were just a better place.

Israel was just minding its own business when it should have been minding the parapets and came under lethal assault by Hamas. A devastating attack, and a seeming surprise to the world’s most threatened nation. Thousands have been killed in horrific attacks and kidnappings. Thousands more will follow as Israel blows Palestine rubble to smithereens. Hamas turned into ISIS when too much peace was breaking out. Netanyahu also bears responsibility for allowing Hamas under the Iron Dome, though TFFG might have helped pound in the wedge.

Of course, a bitter blame game will follow Israel’s wartime unity. (David supplied a Blue Sky “skeet” containing a link to a paywalled site which I simply screen grabbed, sent to myself via Messenger, downloaded as a PNG, and uploaded to Threads, voilà!) Republican ruptures are making any allies hoping for US assistance sweat, so is it up to Democrats to save America and the world yet again? Hakeem Jeffries believes the time is right for bipartisanship. Matt Gaetz likes the glass half-empty, and would dump it all, even if it means his ouster. (He might have something there.) At least political scientists can have fun experimenting.

Just don’t ask Alexa. She can tell you, garbage in will get you garbage out. A Trump State Department official seems to be a white nationalist content creator. Who’d a thunk?

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