Friday on KITM, David Waldman guides our revolution into the weekend.

We know that we are in good hands this weekend, with Senator Patty Murray once again second in the presidential line of succession. House rats are eating each other alive, but a couple might make it to Monday’s Fox News. We already know that Donald Trump has presented his rose to Jim “Gym” Jordan, however.

Gym can certainly keep a secret better than cardboard box magnate Anthony Pratt.  Yet, Donald tells Anthony everything, including the number of warheads carried in US submarines, and their stealth capabilities. 

Mike “Pillow” Lindell owes his lawyers millions of dollars. Mr. Pillow says he’s broke, but seriously, what does he know? Yes, lunatics do hold a lot of sway at moment, but rich lunatics have always had it going on, and plan to keep it that way. Poor loonies are still doing their part to help out though, yearning to make the Empire great again and by reestablishing true palingenetic ultranationalism (None of that fascism in name only for them!). 

Generic shampoo and ugly shirt magnate Charles Haywood hopes to get into the burgeoning field of warlording before our apocalypse becomes post. Companies like Apple don’t require warlords however when they have Wi-Fi.  Donald hates name-brand shampoowhen he can wash his rug for cheap.