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David Waldman and Greg Dworkin present an International Women’s Day KITM special.

The Senate passed the COVID relief bill (It is NOT a stimulus bill.), and now it’s back to the House, who will also pass it, because they aren’t idiots. This is a BFD, not just because, at long last those in desperate straits will receive the aid they need and deserve, but it is at least the beginning of the very end of Reaganomics. And, Republicans have nothing to do with it, as their job by definition isn’t to do things, but to keep things from being done.

Moderate Democrats like where they’re going, but wish progressives wouldn’t drive so darn fast. Joe Manchin is catching up with the last decade’s expert thinking on filibuster reform, and could be approaching his epiphany

Donald Trump and his chaos are finally falling off the front page, allowing that long overdue attention can now be paid to Britain’s Royal Family. Now, it turns out that Royals could be domineering dysfunctional racists — a behavior shocking and abhorrent to Americans. (Ask your doctor, or anyone, about systemic racism™.) Prince Harry and Meghan Markle told all to our nation’s HR mediator, Oprah Winfrey. Responses have fallen all across the spectrum, even from the same publications… and authors. Piers Morgan enjoys kissing the Royal ring. John Oliver passes.

Marjorie Taylor Greene has time on her hands and a new hobby, which aggravates her co-workers. When they mentioned it to her, she threw another huge tantric tantrum. Governor Andrew Cuomo refuses to consent to reality’s constant advances

Republican Senators are busy quitting before 2022. Zoe Lofgren has released a 2,000 page report documenting the social media posts of  GOP members leading up to Jan. 6th.

Why does the pandemic seem to be hitting some countries harder than others? Yes, you may call the vaccine the Fauci Ouchy, as long as you get vaccinated. There might be a reason to pick one over the other, but get it done. Once you are vaccinated, do you know what you can do? You can wait a while until we are in the clear, that’s what. Mississippi's Republican governor, Tate Reeves, starts the stampede for the exits. Tate has made plenty of mistakes so far, so what’s one more?

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