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The best thing about it being March 4th, finally, is that it will soon be March 5th. That, and David Waldman, Greg Dworkin, and today’s KITM:

Are the calculations correct? Is this the day Trump followers have been waiting for? The day is young, but it looks like the storm might need to wait a while longer. The US House did scrap its Thursday session, but not before passing H.R.1, the most important set of democracy reforms since the 1965 Voting Rights Act, and the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act. (The insurrectionists just wish they could’ve blowed that up good.)

Fear not wingnuts, for there is still the Senate. Who needs bombs when they have a filibuster? Democrats aren’t giving up these bills without a fight (maybe), and the filibuster could get busted in the process.

Polling looks to be on President Biden’s side half way through his first 100 days. Popular policies, however, do not make a popular president, or party. Republicans don’t need to make anything better in order to keep their jobs. For instance, Stockton, California’s basic income experiment was a great success, but the Mayor that introduced it wasn’t reelected.

Joe Biden was leading our country to a COVID-19-free future until "neanderthal thinking" in Texas and Mississippi threatened to return us back to the stone ageTroglodytes nonetheless might have a hard time overcoming the emergency standards established in forward-thinking OSHA requirements.

A Wisconsin woman wished she had fought harder. Donald Trump, Jr. wishes the Cat in the Hat didn’t speak to the Mexicans. No one wishes to see insurrectionists on this side of the bars.

Is Darwin H.M., the most REASONABLE man in America, too equitable in his suggestion that Joe Biden relinquish his sole nuclear launch authority?

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