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Hey the checks are really in the mail! Let’s listen to David Waldman and the Friday KITM while we wait for delivery:

Finally, the long awaited pivot we’ve waited for! Not to a new President, but to an actual President. Yesterday we began the pivot back to real lives, in a real America. President of the United States, Joe Biden’s address wasn’t just presidential, it was essential. Wow —  show some competence, empathy and the value of truth-telling and all of a sudden people think you’re dissing Trump. Dissing is the least Donald deserves. Someday we might look back and never believe the last year ever really could have happened. Except for all the dead people we knew, of course.

Maybe someone should remember and thank Donald TrumpProsecutors in the Manhattan District Attorney's Office keep Donald in their thoughts, in fact their memories go way back. Cyrus Vance Jr. is retiring, and hopefully those memories don’t leave with him. Georgia reminisces over recently unearthed recordings of calls between Trump and just about everyone in Georgia. And, don’t forget Mark Meadows!

Dan Crenshaw realized the COVID-19 pandemic was an ideal time to make a profit with the right investments, he just forgot to disclose that until he was caught.

Some Capitol insurrectionists aren’t just run-of-the-mill traitors and turncoats. Federico Klein, a former State Department aide in the Trump administration, was on the front line of the "first wave" January 6. John Daniel Andries earned two felony counts while on Capitol grounds, and was crew chief of the Marine One squadron.

Marjorie Taylor Greene was never in the mood to block much before, but now that she’s in Congress, her attitude has changed. If she keeps taking the top without asking, no one will want to play with her. Certainly, if Marge were to apply herself with the dedication and professionalism as demanded by the importance of her elected position, she could… heh.

Republicans in Pennsylvania accidently told seniors they were from Johnson & Johnson when they robocalled them. The youngest and first Black mayor of Stockton, California was buried in disinformation when he attempted his second term.

You don’t get to be battle-tempered troops in the Democratic party without hurting some feelings, but you learn how to get the job done. On the other hand, Cynthia Nixon doesn’t seem so bad of a choice right now.

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