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David Waldman and Greg Dworkin actually did sign up to be your comedian-heroes. They’re here to be irreverent and dangerous, to question authority and take you through a spooky mental haunted house so you can arrive at your own conclusions. Plenty of fart jokes, but definitely never racism and misogyny

Ohio’s Josh Mandel seems to be dumber than an 8-year-old. It doesn’t matter if Mandel really is that stupid, as Josh is committed to behaving that stupid, and it is a devotion that he will be measured by. Regular halfwits are also-rans in this game. Schools are winning over Glenn Youngkin, so Youngkin has taken the battle to school children. Glenn’s henchmen plan to find the judge’s address to terrorize him as well. Terrorist/henchman Steve Bannon got himself deplatformed, but an obscure media mogul keeps him on the air. Well, not too obscure, as this is probably his address...

The Canadian cavalcade of contagion is spreading out of Ottawa as it attempts to go nationwide, and worldwide. Of course, it’s really not that bigmost people oppose it, Trump’s behind it, and Joe Rogan is spreading mis- and disinformation about it.

Republicans are into terrorism, insurrection and Donald Trump. Trump did did not accidently tell the truth, he never intended to obey laws. Donald plainly enjoyed January 6, and fully plans to do it again. (Only the media blames both sides.) Federal records that Trump did not tear up, burn or eat, he shipped to Mar-a-lago. Wow, that kind of sounds illegal, but what are you going to do about it? David analyzes what we can do about it, and the upcoming “tie” elections.

Listen to our archived episodes: RadioPublic|LibSyn|YouTube Support the show: Patreon|PayPal: 1x or monthly|Square Cash *

David Waldman and Greg Dworkin actually did sign up to be your comedian-heroes. They’re here to be irreverent and dangerous, to question authority and take you through a spooky mental haunted house so you can arrive at your own conclusions. Plenty of fart jokes, but definitely never racism and misogyny

Ohio’s Josh Mandel seems to be dumber than an 8-year-old. It doesn’t matter if Mandel really is that stupid, as Josh is committed to behaving that stupid, and it is a devotion that he will be measured by. Regular halfwits are also-rans in this game. Schools are winning over Glenn Youngkin, so Youngkin has taken the battle to school children. Glenn’s henchmen plan to find the judge’s address to terrorize him as well. Terrorist/henchman Steve Bannon got himself deplatformed, but an obscure media mogul keeps him on the air. Well, not too obscure, as this is probably his address...

The Canadian cavalcade of contagion is spreading out of Ottawa as it attempts to go nationwide, and worldwide. Of course, it’s really not that bigmost people oppose it, Trump’s behind it, and Joe Rogan is spreading mis- and disinformation about it.

Republicans are into terrorism, insurrection and Donald Trump. Trump did did not accidently tell the truth, he never intended to obey laws. Donald plainly enjoyed January 6, and fully plans to do it again. (Only the media blames both sides.) Federal records that Trump did not tear up, burn or eat, he shipped to Mar-a-lago. Wow, that kind of sounds illegal, but what are you going to do about it? David analyzes what we can do about it, and the upcoming “tie” elections.

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