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David Waldman finally reaches Friday, still craving rice pudding. But, if you don't complete your week, you can't have any pudding... How can you have any pudding if you don't complete your week? Listen, I don’t make the rules. 

There’s no way to prepare you for this weekend, but we can share what we know so far:

There won’t be any truck park-ins this weekend to take the kids to hear the latest Ram Ranch hits.

This weekend, however, is a great time to learn how to pronounce Ketanji Brown Jackson, because she’s President Joe Biden’s choice to serve on the Supreme Court

Facebook allows users to post horrifying and hateful content and cat videos to each other.  In Ethiopia vigilantes use Facebook to incite ethnic killing.

Parent-terrorists are using sovereign citizen techniques to exhaust and intimidate public schools.

Marsha Blackburn works to stand out in a party swarming with conspiracists and crackpots.

Donald Trump’s crates of top-secrets are simple souvenirs compared to the ones still missing. The Federal Election Commission must think Donald has enough trouble since they won’t investigate his theft of $2.8 million from veterans.

Polling on Glenn Youngkin is “mixed”, in that a majority of voters don’t approve of him, the job he’s doing, or the policies he supports, but some aren’t sure. Just 35% of Virginia voters support his proposed ban on teaching Critical Race Theory in schools. Turns out that the parental choice voters in Virginia were of great-grandparental age.

The rest of the news could’ve been about Kanye West, but Putin’s playing. Vlad could lose his job and/or head for this, but somehow Donald Trump and the rest of the Republican party are eager to follow. The Trump cult was always part of the Ukraine invasion plan, just like the other members of Putin’s fifth column around the world.

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