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War! What is it good for? You know the answer: Ratings. David Waldman and Greg Dworkin are only here to explode your preconceived notions.

Russia’s reasoning for attacking Ukraine misses something in translation. Something about destroying Ukraine to save it... from Nazis. Democratically elected Jewish President Volodymyr Zelenskiy doesn’t think that’s funny.

Some Republicans support Donald Trump, some kind of still support America, so there’s a bit of a rift. Trump supports Putin and Russia, but to be honest, he believes they’re American. Steve KG Bannon and Erik Prince have always had the hots for Vlad, and have been on team Putin since at least 2016.

Twitter is bursting with Russian bot trolls, while Facebook is strangely (not so strangely) silent.

Other than blowing up Chernobyl again, what will end this? President Joe Biden is on it. Boris Johnson is ready to declare every sort of war today. NATO is activating both its defence and defense plans. Estonia is ready when we are

The Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline seems like a target, but Europe seems to have prepared for Russian supply problems. The US could turn off Russia’s app tap, right down to the last atom. Ukraine could annex Russia. As always, we could have done a lot to prevent this.

Amazingly with all this, other things keep happening.  One of those things is definitely not the American trucker caravans. Reporters on the ground have been travelling imbecile-free highways. Parental rights parents don’t care about their kids, as they just get in the way of throwing tantrums. Parents who do care for kids only want to silence parents who don’t. The Electric Reliability Council of Texas facilitated competitive wholesale and retail markets by hiking prices hundreds of times over value, on the order of Governor Greg Abbott. U.S. Army Colonel Alexander Vindman officially served Donald Trump Jr. with a lawsuit for witness intimidation and retaliation. The prosecutors leading New York’s investigation into Trump businesses resign, which sounds like bad news, but who knows?

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