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David Waldman and Greg Dworkin are presently off mattress shopping, but as always, their first priority was to provide you with a KITM full of news and entertainment:

Happy Presidents Day! Some Presidents have brought us less joy than others, though. Donald Trump can sometimes deliver a smile, but you can be sure that it wasn’t intentional. Donald didn’t steal (at least) 15 boxes of classified documents to impress you, but he certainly intended to cheer up somebody with them.

Is Russia attempting to Finlandize Ukraine or Belarusify it? (Shh. Don’t tell Finland… they don’t know yet.) Does Putin think Ukraine is Taiwan? Should Biden be Nixon? Germany just wishes it were Sweden. Putin can’t shovel his way out faster than Biden can shovel him back in.

Except for that one time when they voted for Governor, Virginians are pretty liberal. So, generally they don’t share priorities with their MAGA warrior Gov, Glenn Youngkin. Virginia students who rebelled against masks are surprised to find out that they still aren’t the cool kids.

There wasn’t anything wrong with COVID that a little teamwork couldn’t fix, which is of course why we’re in that mess. Teachers have never been included on “the team”.

Boris Johnson announced the end of COVID restrictions in England, which Fox News will credit to pressure from truckers in Ottawa. Businesses are reopening as the right-wing finds out how difficult it is to franchise insurrection.

Half of US bald eagles and a large percentage of patriots suffer from lead poisoning. Such is the price of freedom, somehow.

There’s not much dumber than investing in NFTs, but no one should have clued in rich people before they finished spending all their money.

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