Looking for something entertaining, educational, and two hours long? You’ve come to the right place! Well, almost. We’re right up there… what, maybe two inches away, max? But, if you can’t find us here, check us out over at Libsyn or at YouTube, where you’ll always find us, never too far from “kangaroo fights”.

David Waldman counts down the days to Eastern Orthodox Easter, somehow the source of 80% of our humor here. Greg Dworkin calls a meeting in the KITM War Room to discuss the upcoming Battle of the Donbas. It’s not a secret meeting, in fact everyone everywhere can plainly see everything going down. A retired Russian colonel demonstrated that he was way smarter than any dead general by predicting where Russian troops would find themselves today, three weeks before the war began. Ukraine decided to not wait for Russians to get their act together and began pinching off their pincer movement early. Russian checks bouncing is a real problem as their war machine runs on foreign components. In fact, Russia will eventually lose when it gives up. The sinking of Russia’s flagship is bad news for everyone’s navy, however.

Alex Jones' InfoWars files for bankruptcy, probably forcing Alex into hosting a show on CNN. Newsrooms aren’t stupid and evil, they’ve only sold themselves to stupid and evil people. Not every stupid and evil person is rich though. Marjorie Traitor Greene makes a lot, spends even more. Madison Cawthorn might need to throw a bake sale at his next cocaine orgy. Mike Lee spent 14 hours a day trying to help Donald Trump overthrow the government, and what thanks does he get? John Eastman has spent decades plotting coups and what has he ever gotten out of it? Not enough, that’s for sure.

For more than a generation, Project Blitz has strived to be the Christian nationalist-dominionist ALEC for local government, and unfortunately, they’ve been pretty good at it.

Emmanuel Macron leads Marine Le Pen before the vote, but what counts is who leads after the vote.

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