Hi there, it’s Gillian O’Dowd here from https://DailyKetoMeals.com.

Today, you’ll discover the truth about meal frequency. Some people say you should eat 6 meals per day because it increases your metabolism. Is it true?

Well, on NCBI, a respected medical journal, studies concluded something shocking:

The same amount of calories consumed with smaller meals vs fewer big meals made NO difference to weight loss outcome. Yep, that’s right! It doesn’t matter whether you eat more or less meals per day, the results are the same. When you think about it, it doesn’t make sense for the body to be in constant “feeding mode.”

I mean, throughout most of history, humans have NOT eaten that frequently. So if possible, stick to three meals per day. Or if you want to try some intermittent fasting, eat just one or two meals.

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