Hi there, it’s Gillian here from https://DailyKetoMeals.com.

Today, you’ll discover how to suppress your cravings for snacks. We are creatures of habit. Often times we do things because we’ve always done them before. Habits are powerful and control a lot of our willpower. And where is one of the worst places our poor food habits are triggered? When you watch TV.

The scenario goes like this: feel tired, sit on couch, turn on TV and eat snacks. Many of us don’t pay attention to what we eat when we watch TV. In fact, TV and snacks go hand in hand. See, these bad patterns occur from a trigger event that happens right before the habitual action. (A.k.a. eating snacks.) The solution?

Cut down the amount of trigger events. (Therefore, watch less TV.) This might help you eat less snacks, especially carb loaded ones, and stay in ketosis longer. And if you turn on your TV out of habit too often?… unplug it from the wall. That’s the tip for today.

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