Good Morning, it’s Gillian here from

Today, you’ll discover how to shed stubborn pounds. Some time ago, A woman named Deborah struggled with her weight. In fact, she had this challenge ever since high school. By the age of 15 she was 50 pounds overweight.

And for the next 8 years she struggled to shed the fat. She tried Weight Watchers and lost 30 lbs. However, she always felt hungry and deprived. Sadly, a year later she put the weight back on. The cycle continued for decades.

Go on a diet. Lose some weight. Put the weight back on. It was frustrating. To make matters worse, she was diagnosed with a condition that affected her life. A condition that might have been connected to insulin resistance. And that’s when two things changed everything for her. She discovered that artificial sweeteners can raise your insulin levels.

Low-carb diets might not lower your insulin levels without fasting. So she cut out sweeteners and started fasting. The results? Incredible! After decades of struggle, within 12 months she lost 50 pounds. It goes to show, if you find the right advice and put things into action, you’ll get results. So what’s the tip? If you struggle to lose weight try Deborah’s technique. Cut out sweeteners and add fasting to your diet.

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