Previous Episode: Sukkah, Daf 38
Next Episode: Sukkah, Daf 40

Welcome to the Daily Daf Differently. In this episode, Miriam-Simma Walfish looks at Masechet Sukkah Daf 39. What assumptions should we make about the religious practice of others? In what ways should these assumptions inform our interactions with them? Today’s daf engages these questions through a discussion of purchasing a etrog in the shmitta (sabbatical) […]

Welcome to the Daily Daf Differently. In this episode, Miriam-Simma Walfish looks at Masechet Sukkah Daf 39.

What assumptions should we make about the religious practice of others? In what ways should these assumptions inform our interactions with them? Today’s daf engages these questions through a discussion of purchasing a etrog in the shmitta (sabbatical) year.

The opening and closing music for this podcast is Ufros from The Epichorus album One Bead.