Previous Episode: Shabbat, Daf 62
Next Episode: Shabbat, Daf 64

Welcome to the Sixty Second episode of Daily Daf Differently. In this episode, Rabbi Jeremy Kalmanofsky looks at Masechet Shabbat Daf 63. Today’s page is a mostly aggadic (homiletical) discussion, envisioning war and peace in messianic times, ethical guidance of how to be a good student of Torah, and a reflection on how to read […]

Welcome to the Sixty Second episode of Daily Daf Differently. In this episode, Rabbi Jeremy Kalmanofsky looks at Masechet Shabbat Daf 63. Today’s page is a mostly aggadic (homiletical) discussion, envisioning war and peace in messianic times, ethical guidance of how to be a good student of Torah, and a reflection on how to read Torah both literally and figuratively.

This week, our study is led by Rabbi Jeremy Kalmanofsky of Congregation Ansche Chesed in New York City.

The opening and closing music for this podcast is Ufros from The Epichorus album One Bead.