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The Secret To Parenting is Love. Love your children. It's rough sometimes when they are yelling, fighting, screaming, knocking things over in grocery stores, breaking your nice china, or just plain old behaving bad, but try not to get angry. Be Firm, Reprimand Immediately following the incident, remind them that you love them, and follow through on any threats of punishment.

As Parents, we get angry too but I think too often we display anger and emotional stress when dealing with a behavioral issue. And Sometimes we FLIP out when the kids have an accident and break something or touch something that they were not supposed to touch. Take a breath for a second.

Many times kids don't mean to cause harm or damage and we have to deal with that as such. And sometimes kids forget the rules. It is so important to have consequences and to follow through consistently. Be firm but loving. Give them a hug when the consequence is completed and remind them how much you love them but there are consequences to breaking rules.

RIGHT NOW. Go to your children and give them a big hug, look them in the eyes, and tell them how much you love them!