Hello my eager to learn bloggers. JJ Peterson here with some exciting news. As viewed in my last post I was going to announce to my dad teh exciting news during a podcast. Well It COULDN'T WAIT. We told most of the family on Saturday except my parents. oooppps. My dad and I were not going do our dads talk radio podcast until the next weekend. I couldn't have someone else slip up and tell them.

I went over their house to borrow a shovel and I thought of a good way to tell them. My dad and I talk business a lot; podcasting, blogs, websites, etc. So I said lets tlak about upcoming podcasts. So we sat there thinking for a minute, with my mom and grandmother in the room, and I said I got one. "How about, I'm having a baby in September". Puzzled at first, all three of them, they finally caught on and the usual reaction took place. It was exciting to tell them! I love my parents and I am so excited when i see them excited. It gives them more motivation to stay healthy and try to stay around for as long as possible.

Today's BIT of Excitement:

Speaking of health, I tried this new LIQUID multi-vitamin today for the first time and it comes with a financial benefit. I know you would expect me to say that but wow, I was more focused and more confident than ever.

For a few years, I had been looking for different ways, parents, can earn a little bit more money every month. I have researched and experienced different companies and found GBG (Guided By God) to be the absolute simplest and most profitable . If you are that type of person who takes vitamins or likes money :), check it out at 2get2get2.

Anyway till next time my eager to learn bloggers!!!!