Sometimes you gotta yank that cord a few times to get the old mower runninā€™. Hey, did you know that we record all of our episodes on old N64 and Playstation Memory Cards?Ā 

This week the Daddios are here to talk about illusions, or are they? Maybe the ā€œtopicā€ is just an illusion, and theyā€™ve sucked you in again to hear more poo poo pee pee talk and John Candy jokes.Ā 

Hey, you know how when you eat pscylocibin mushrooms and you commune with the universe, you feel the complexity and synchronicity of the entire cosmos, and realize that we are all one consciousness? Yeah, is that real? Like is that going on all the time but we just ignore it because we have jobs and Facebook? Or is that euphoric epiphany just some fake-ass illusion brought on by the tidal wave of pleasure chemicals in your brain on drugs?Ā 

We donā€™t know, but wrestling is fuckinā€™ cool man.Ā 

Awwww shit, video games, wrestling, Home Improvement with Tim Allenā€” even your OWN PERSONALITY, Itā€™s all a fuckinā€™ illusion! but if you believe in your own gimmick hard enough, others will too. James Brown had a mom haircut and his sternum exposed in front of millions of fans, but his confidence never wavered. Like a lion tamer, James Brown couldnā€™t afford to flinch, or heā€™d be ripped apart. Itā€™s with this kind of confidence that we bring you another episode of our ramblings.Ā 

So join us! Row row row your boat, gently down the stream, life is but a dream! Donā€™t you get it?? Itā€™s ALL A DREAM!Ā 

BTW, Whoā€™d you use your Master Ball on?