Has the daunting world of student loans got you feeling overwhelmed? Fear not, as Jason shares Sage Path's tried and tested strategies for tackling the formidable debt monster. Whether you're wrestling with an amount above $100,000 or below, our tactical advice will equip you with the tools needed to lighten your financial load. We unravel the potential benefits of refinancing, delve into the realm of Income-Driven Repayment plans, and explore the opportunities for loan forgiveness through the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program. 

But we're not just about finance on Dad's Sense; we also share the poignant moments of our lives. We recount the delightful memories of our recently deceased Jack Russell, Emma, and her enduring legacy, as well as celebrate the resilience of our darling daughter, Jual, as she embarks on the journey of voluntary preschool and navigates the loss of Emma. 

A fusion of finance, love, growth, and resilience makes this episode a must-listen. So, sit back, tune in, and let's empower your financial future and life together on Dad Cents!