Dreem2Reality Entertainment proudly presents The Rock Vegas Podcast, pre-recorded from the D2R Studios!

On today's show: The dynamic duo of Ryan and Dave host today's twenty sixth episode with special guest Joy! The guys starts the show by discussing a news story about a guy who was stuck in a chimney and the family that lived in the home thought he was a ghost. Then, the guys discuss a recent story about the mayor holding a press conference telling all of the local homeless people to "Go home!" Further discussion of the mayor's previous alleged illegal activities are also discussed. After that, a Post Secret segment about feeling so lonely you could die, a Who Would Win? segment featuring celebrity couples TomKat vs. Posh N Becks vs. Bennifer 2.0, a Redneck Dictionary Word of the Day - Condom, and Dave tries out another new segment called Fact Or Crap. The trio also discuss Scientology, Dave has a Xenu/Scientology/Lizard Theory, Joy brings up Tom Cruise's middle tooth, Ryan makes his suggestion for who the next 007 James Bond actor should be, and the guys round out the show with a visit to Steve and his latest Snugglebuddies adventure. All that and more make up this twenty sixth episode of The Rock Vegas Podcast. Enjoy the eargasms!!

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