Dreem2Reality Entertainment proudly presents The Rock Vegas Podcast, pre-recorded from the D2R Studios!

On today's show: The dynamic duo of Ryan and Dave host today's twenty fifth episode! Ryan starts the show by asking Dave how far he's star-trekked, that is, how far he's gone to seek out a celebrity. Then, a Post Secret segment about being happy and not in a relationship, a Who Would Win? segment featuring the Crocodile vs. a Lion, an Interesting Facts segment about the Mayan extinction, and a Redneck Dictionary Word of the Day - Feces. After that, Dave tries out a new segment called Celebrity Couples where the guys discuss Taylor Swift no longer being with Calvin Harris and Johnny Depp no longer being with Amber Heard. And last but not least, the guys wrap up the show with a news story about an Irish man who got his head stuck in a washing machine. All that and more make up this twenty fifth episode of The Rock Vegas Podcast. Enjoy the eargasms!!

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