In this episode of the D2D Experts Podcast, host JP sits down with Shaun  Swarner, a global empowerment leader, author of "Being Unstoppable," and the only person to climb the highest mountain on every continent, ski to both the North and South Poles, and complete the Hawaii Ironman Triathlon—all after surviving two terminal cancers and losing a lung.

Shaun  shares his incredible journey, from his battles with cancer to his adventurous feats, offering valuable insights into resilience, mindset, and overcoming obstacles in sales. Learn how Shaun 's experiences can inspire direct sales reps to push their limits, face challenges head-on, and achieve their own 'Everest' in sales and life.

Tune in to discover:

The importance of resilience and mental toughnessHow to turn obstacles into opportunitiesPractical tips for staying motivated and focused on your goals

Join us for an inspiring conversation that will motivate you to conquer your own mountains, both in sales and in life!

Thank you for listening! Follow us on Facebook and Instagram. You may also watch this podcast on YouTube!
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