In today's episode we focus on  Women in Osteopathic Medicine.  We have the honor of interviewing Dr. Thomas Quinn the author of "The Feminine Touch: History of Women in Osteopathic Medicine". Dr. Quinn is military and family practice physician who transitioned from clinical practice into academic medicine teaching at the Lake Erie college of osteopathic medicine branch campus in Florida. During a “pilgrimage” to the Kirksville museum of Osteopathic Medicine, he extensively researched and wrote a definitive book entitled, “ The feminine touch: women in osteopathic medicine,” which later was made into an Emmy award winning PBS documentary. Dr. Quinn describes the importance that AT Still placed on training women whit at the  time  was far from the norm. Dr. Quinn  highlights the contributions that prominent female physicians such as Margaret Wilson, Barbara Ross Lee, and Karen Nichols have made to osteopathy. We hope you enjoy this episode and would suggest if you have not heard some of our prior episodes highlighting these amazing women or the PBS special, "the Femine Touch" we urge you to you take the time to do so!

The special can be found at”