Welcome to the D.O. or DO Not Podcast. My name is Ben Berg, a “nontraditional" premedical student who graduated from Albany University and is now doing postgraduate work at Hunter College in New York to prepare to apply to osteopathic schools for the 2023 application cycle. I was lucky enough to attend AACOM's “Educating Leaders 2022” conference in Denver, Colorado. Attending the conference afforded me an incredible week of lectures and networking. It was a great experience that I would recommend to any premedical student. Attending the conference as a representative of the podcast provided me with an incredible opportunity to be surrounded by great osteopathic physicians as well as administrators. Speaking for myself, this experience truly affirmed my desire to become an osteopathic physician. The reason for the trip was so that I represent the premedical student perspective and share my experience with our premedical listeners who are interested in osteopathic medicine - and that is what we are going to do in this episode.

Tune in to listen to Ben Berg, our premedical student liaison, interview Dr. Helene Cameron, Ph.D. Dr. Cameron serves as the Vice President of Undergraduate Medical Education Services for AACOM (American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine). In this interview, Dr. Cameron offers insight into how AACOMAS (AACOM Application Service), which is a subsidiary of AACOM, works to help premedical students matriculate into osteopathic medical school, as well as provides crucial information and dates about the upcoming application cycle.