The purpose of the Distributed Systems Security chapter is to introduce the different classes of distributed systems categorising them into two broad categories of decentralised distributed systems (without central coordination) and the coordinated resource/services type of distributed systems. Subsequently, each of these distributed system categories is expounded for the conceptual mechanisms providing their characteristic functionalities prior to discussing the security issues pertinent to these systems.
We speak with CyBOK Distributed Systems Security author Neeraj Suri for an introductory overview of the topic.

The purpose of the Distributed Systems Security chapter is to introduce the different classes of distributed systems categorising them into two broad categories of decentralised distributed systems (without central coordination) and the coordinated resource/services type of distributed systems. Subsequently, each of these distributed system categories is expounded for the conceptual mechanisms providing their characteristic functionalities prior to discussing the security issues pertinent to these systems.

We speak with CyBOK Distributed Systems Security author Neeraj Suri for an introductory overview of the topic.